Full Article Index


Questioning Our Conscience

Once we realise we have a conscience and that it speaks to us in a very partial manner, we are in a better position to reflect on the issue of origins.

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Overcoming Manic Moods

In our manic moods, we are in flight from emotional truths that terrify and sadden us. We are running to make sure we do not meet ourselves.

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Learning to Feel What We Really Feel

A so-called ‘well-adjusted mind’ is one that can minimise the distance between what it feels and what it knows it feels: between the emotions that flood it and those that consciousness can register.

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Select themes

African Proverbs to Remember


African Proverbs to Remember

There’s a belief that philosophy, when properly done, should sound dense, forbidding, a little confusing and take a very long…
On Parenting Our Parents


On Parenting Our Parents

We are so used to imagining that a parent’s role is to help their child with the difficulties of life…
Our Two Great Fears in Love


Our Two Great Fears in Love

Beneath all the turmoil and agitation of relationships, two fundamental anxieties stand out, and help to explain our worst antics…